
Vaulting & Insurance

Quintric currently operates a state-of-the-art precious metals vault in Utah, USA.  In addition, the company enjoys strong relationships with other well-established vaulting service providers.  Ultimately, Quintric anticipates developing a network of vaulting locations not only in Utah, but also in other gold-friendly jurisdictions throughout the world.

Holders of at least 250,000 Quintric monetary tokens may apply to observe an audit conducted at any one of these current or future locations.  It is anticipated that such audits with participation by third-party observers will be livestreamed and viewable on the Quintric YouTube channel.

Quintric aspires to develop an integrated vaulting system that is just as transparent as the blockchain accompanying it in order to establish a high degree of confidence among token holders.  By using 21st century technology, Quintric holdings will be visible not only on the blockchain ledger, but in the vault as well to anyone, anytime, anywhere.  Quintric is actively exploring robotics, automated auditing, non-destructive assay, and distributed remote surveillance systems for further implementation into existing and planned vaulting facilities.

All precious metal holdings within the Quintric system are fully insured against loss or damage.  Certificates of insurance are available upon request.  To ensure adequate resources for both vaulting and insurance, as noted above, currently 30% of the premium on gold token sales and 50% of the premium on silver token sales will be deposited in QuinTrust for this purpose.  In addition, Quintric will earmark a portion of its QuintX holdings as a back-up reserve as well.
